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Al menos 24 muertos por deslaves en Kerala.

Al menos 24 personas han muerto y alrededor de 70 han resultado heridas tras deslaves provocados por intensas lluvias e inundaciones en el estado sureño indio de Kerala, que está en alerta roja por lluvias intensas mientras continúan las operaciones de rescate.

“Hemos recibido unos 24 cuerpos en diferentes hospitales”, dijo la ministra de Salud de Kerala, Veena George. Alrededor de 70 personas resultaron heridas en el incidente.

Una enorme avalancha ocurrió el martes en el distrito montañoso de Wayanad, sepultando muchas casas y destruyendo un puente. El Departamento Meteorológico de la India (IMD) declaró alerta roja por lluvias en Wayanad y áreas vecinas como Kozhikode.

El Primer Ministro, Pinarayi Vijayan, informó que todas las agencias gubernamentales estaban participando en las operaciones de rescate. El Primer Ministro Narendra Modi expresó su angustia y anunció ayudas para las víctimas.

Las lluvias intensas se deben a la temporada de monzones, que en India y otros países del sur de Asia, ocurre entre mayo y septiembre, causando a menudo daños significativos. Desde mayo, más de 50 personas han muerto debido a las lluvias en Assam.

New Delhi, July 30 (EFE).- At least 24 people have died and around 70 injured following landslides due to intense rains and floods in the southern Indian state of Kerala, which is on red alert for heavy rainfall amid ongoing rescue operations.


“We have received some 24 bodies in different hospitals,” Kerala’s Health Minister Veena George told Indian news agency ANI, adding that around 70 people had been injured in the incident.

“We are trying every possible way to rescue our people,” she added.

George said that rescue operations were underway and the authorities were exploring all possibilities to rescue those trapped alive.

A massive landslide occurred early Tuesday in the mountainous district of Wayanad, burying many houses and destroying a bridge.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Tuesday declared a red alert for rain in Wayanad, as well as in other neighboring areas such as Kozhikode, warning of rainfall of up to 204 millimeters in just 24 hours.

Kerala’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan announced that all government agencies had joined the search and rescue operations.

“All possible rescue operations will be coordinated in the landslides in Wayanad. Since the incident came to know, the government systems have joined together in the rescue operation. Ministers will come to Wayanad and lead the activities,” Pinarayi Vijayan said on X.

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed distress at the landslides.

“Distressed by the landslides in parts of Wayanad. My thoughts are with all those who have lost their loved ones and prayers with those injured.” he said in a post on X.

“Rescue ops are currently underway to assist all those affected. Spoke to Kerala CM Shri @pinarayivijayan and also assured all possible help from the Centre in the wake of the prevailing situation there,” he added.

The prime minister also announced an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh ($2,388) for the family members of the deceased and Rs 50,000 for those injured in the incident.

The intense rainfall comes during the monsoon or rainy season, which in India and other South Asian countries falls between May and September and often causes significant human and material damage.

More than 50 people have died due to the rains in the northeastern state of Assam since the end of May. EFE


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